Thursday, February 15, 2007

My wish is that my first novel will get published and then I can concentrate more on my writing than on my business -- basically turning my writing into the cash flow generator. One of these days.

I have completed the first novel that is now with someone who has suggested that he can help me get published by introducing me to a NY Times best selling mystery author, which he did, and then she would take my manuscript to her publisher, which she has offered to do. The manuscript was too long for today's publishers, especially one from an unpublished author, so I cut it down to fit the requirements and then passed it to my friend. The problem is, he has been so busy that he has not had time to read it -- or he has read it and is reluctant to pass it along. I think, however, if it was the latter, that he would have told me.

So, I wait. I wait with a second novel 30% completed and a third, a collaboration with another writer, about 10% complete. The problem is, I could finish both if I had nothing else to do -- like make money.

I guess this is the life of the unpublished writer.

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