Monday, February 26, 2007

I do not understand "writer's block." Ideas for mysteries is not a problem for me. Nor is the writing of the mystery -- putting words down that flow and keep the story moving. I have more than enough ideas, so I do not understand writer's block -- at least as it pertains to coming up with ideas and putting them down on paper (heck, my first novel ended up, first draft, with over 150K words and I had to then work to rewrite it down to 120K -- so if anyone needs 30K words of description or dialog, give me a call -- I have more than enough).

The problem with my latest work, which involves a bit of history to bring the mystery to life, and which is not really a problem of writer's block, is to weave the history into the story without having long stretches of narative that helps the reader through the historical parts, which are critical, but to not bore them at the same time. I have started and stopped, changed and cut, moved and removed more than ever just to get the history in while keeping the mystery alive.

I am finding out that this is, in itself, a craft -- informing while keeping the edge to the story and mystery.

I wish I had started a writing career earlier so that I would have faced these issues a long time ago -- but it is what it is and I figure I still have a couple of decades left to produce. So I am having fun telling stories that I hope will be interesting and wanted by the public.

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