Friday, October 12, 2007

A book seller told me about a woman who came into her store and asked if she had any posters of US sunsets. The Seller said she had posters but wasn't sure about any with sunsets and wasn't sure, even if she had any that she could guarantee they were US sunsets. As they were looking, the Seller remembered a calendar that she had in inventory that had nothing but sunsets seen from various places throughout the US, and asked if that would do. The woman looked at the calendar and was ecstatic and said that the calendar was absolutely perfect.

As the Seller was ringing up the sale, she asked the Buyer why it was important to have US sunsets. The Buyer said that she was from South Africa, which led the Seller to ask if the sunsets were that much different in the southern hemisphere, to which the woman replied that there was a difference but more importantly, the calendar was a gift to a woman in South Africa who was from the US and who the Buyer knew through her work.

The Seller asked what type of work the Buyer was in and the Buyer replied that she worked in a prison and that the woman for whom she was buying the calendar was a prisoner, who had been in the prison for 14 years and during that time, because of the location of the cell in which the US woman was held, the woman had not seen a sunset in all those 14 years.

I just thought I would pass this story on.